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BayWa r.e. has Commissioned a Solar Power Plant with Battery Storage in Villingen-Schwenningen in Baden-Württemberg Province in Germany


//MUNICH, June 10, 2022, 13:15 BST, PVEurope, BayWa r.e. Renewable Energy GmbH/


BayWa r.e. has commissioned a solar park with battery storage in Villingen-Schwenningen in Baden-Württemberg/Germany. The plant combination is supported by the innovation tender of the Federal Network Agency. The solar park, with a capacity of 7 MW, can generate approximately 8 million kWh of green electricity annually, which is equivalent to the consumption of 2,500 average households in Germany. The storage capacity of the 3 MW battery storage is 4 MWh. Marc Krezer, Head of Project Development PV Germany, comments on the commissioning: "We would like to thank the Villingen-Schwenningen municipality for the good cooperation and are pleased with the timely completion and commissioning of the Spitalhöfe solar park. From now on, the plant combination can feed electricity into the grid. The storage facility makes an important contribution to grid stability and security of supply.".

BayWa r.e. will also promote species protection and biodiversity at the solar park through various measures such as the creation of flowering areas or even rock fills for so-called lizard hotels, as well as the planting of bushes and trees.

Stefanie Wimmer, Managing Director of BayWa r.e. Solar Projects GmbH adds: "We are very pleased to have realized this innovative project and are already working on the implementation of further projects that were successful in the innovation tender. Plant combinations like this are of central importance for the energy transition in Germany.".

As an independent power producer, BayWa r.e. will also operate the solar farm. The company's power trading team has secured price hedging for the power output with the help of a power purchase agreement (PPA) with a term of 5 years. BayWa r.e. can thus provide medium-term price hedging and economic optimization of the yield within its own group.

In addition, the capacity of the battery storage facility will be marketed on the balancing energy market. The company will also take over maintenance and operational management and continue to be the local contact.

The more information about the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deal activity in the solar power market in Germany and other European countries, including full contact details of solar project owners and developers, you may read here: Europe Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2022÷2031

To download the executive summary brochure with sample pages, please access from here: Europe Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2022÷2031 - Sample

For a better understanding of the benefits of using our reports, you may read here: Benefit List - Reports of Renewable Market Watch - 2022

About Renewable Market Watch™

Renewable Market Watch™ is delivering strategic insight into emerging renewable energy markets through its experienced research team and cutting-edge predictive analytics data platform. We partner with our customers to provide research, data and consulting reports in areas appropriate to their specific requirements. Our primary focus is emerging renewable energy markets of Asia Countries, Balkan countries, Central and Eastern Europe, CIS states (former the Soviet Union), LATAM countries and MENA countries. For more information about Renewable Market Watch™, please visit:




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