Анализ на глобалния пазар на дронове във ветроенергийната индустрия 2017÷2026


/5th July 2017, by Drone Market Watch™/


Wind power industry is developing with fast paces in the past decade and at the end of 2016 almost 345,000 wind turbines are operational at global level. This means more than 1,035,000 wind turbine blades are subject to physical wear out and need regular inspections throughout their lifespan.

Drones (UAVs) could perform inspection work of wind turbines and wind blades quicker, safer and more cost effectively than traditional methods. Inspection techniques provide high definition videos and ultra-high resolution imagery of the blade, which previously was only achievable by rope climbing maintenance team. With the UAV technology surveyors can sit back and inspect wind turbines very closely for minute cracks, paint peel offs, dents, and others, by simply by looking at the photos, which UAVs (drones) provide.

The global wind turbine inspection and other associated services market has been gaining momentum due to the growing wind energy capacity across the globe. During the contractual warranty period and after warranty O&M contract and related services with the manufacturer, maintenance, inspections and repair actions have to be performed on the wind turbines to ensure their stable and uninterruptable generation of electricity. Like the other unavoidable steps when realizing a wind farm project like the development phase, financing process and construction phase, the operation period requires necessary maintenance and inspection actions to ensure a safe and efficient operation of ach wind turbine of the wind farm.

Drone Market Watch™ published the new report Drones in Wind Power Industry Global Market Outlook 2017÷2026. This independent, 160+ page report analyzes global market for drones (UAVs) application in wind power industry regarding market dynamics, technology characteristics, industry structure, innovations and key industry vendors. Through extensive research and discussions with experts in the industry, Drone Market Watch™ has identified a series of market trends that will impact this market over the coming decade.


The more information about Drones (UAVs) in Wind Power Industry, including full contact details of drone manufacturer and industry vendors you may read here: Drones in Wind Power Industry Global Market Outlook 2017÷2026


About Drone Market Watch™

Drone Market Watch™ is delivering strategic insight about emerging commercial and civil drone (UAV) markets. We partner with our customers to provide research and consulting reports in areas appropriate to their specific requirements. Our primary focus is drone (UAV) manufacture, software development, infrastructure inspection, renewable power plants inspection, oil and gas industry inspection, filming and media, agriculture aerial crop analysis, transport and delivery, first responder markets, etc. More information about Drone Market Watch™ you can read here: http://dronemarketwatch.com/about-us/mission




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