EBRD Confirms Commitment to Provide Green Energy Finance in Western Balkans
EBRD, GCF and CIF Provided USD 42.6 Million Finance for 76 MWp Solar Power Plant in Kazakhstan
This transaction will support Bulgaria's progress towards its ambitious renewable energy targets, which include the country's commitment to phasing out coal-fired generation by 2038
The Western Balkans are the newfound hotspot for solar PV energy investments amongst European countries
Western Balkans became one of the fastest-growing regions in Europe, with a 28.1 per cent increase in cumulative solar photovoltaic (PV) installed capacity in 2022 compared with 2021
Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind Power Market Reports 2020÷2030 by Renewable Market Watch with Trends, Investments, Forecast, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact
Western Balkans Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2021÷2030 by Renewable Market Watch with Trends, Investments, Forecast, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact
Western Balkans Wind Power Market Outlook 2020÷2030 by Renewable Market Watch with Trends, Forecasts, Investments, Opportunities, Analysis, COVID-19 Impact
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