Преференциални тарифи са одобрени за енергията произвеждана от фотоволтаични електроцентрали в Полша
According to its Renewable Energy Sources Act, which was adopted in February 2015 and approved by the President in March 2015, feed-in tariffs have been introduced for small scale solar and wind installations in Poland. According to Poland Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2015 - 2025 the process behind these legal changes has been quite long and took more than 3 years to Polish government with several editions of this law. All of the editions have been quite controversial and led to a lot of confusions for all investors interested in Polish solar PV market.
Mandatory targets of the Directive 2009/28/EC on the Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources set by EU for Poland are 15 % by 2020. According to Polish National Renewable Energy Action Plan (2010), intermediate country’s target is 11.9 % share of RES-electricity in gross final consumption of electricity by the end of 2015. Feed-in tariffs for small scale photovoltaic power plants in Poland will have 15 years term and there will be certain quota. When reached this quota would mean stop of grid connection of new solar PV installations.
More information about quota for photovoltaic installations in Poland and about this promising market you may read here: Poland Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2015 - 2025