Намаляване на административните бариери по време на строителството на ветроенергийни паркове в Украйна


/4th September 2018, by Ukrainian Wind Energy Association (UWEA) and Renewable Market Watch™/


Ukraine has a population of 45.6 million and is the second-largest country by area in Europe at 603 628 square kilometres (km2). It is located at the crossroads of the European Union, the Russian Federation, and Black Sea and Caspian regions. Ukraine holds abundant mineral resources, including oil, natural gas and coal, as well as a large hydro, wind, solar and biomass potential, according to the Renewable Market Watch™.With its population and strong energy consumption, it is one of Europe’s largest energy markets. It also remains the largest transit country for natural gas in the world and plays a key role for Russian gas deliveries to European markets.

Ukraine became an observer to the Energy Community Treaty in November 2006. Since then, it applied for full membership and committed to implementing the acquis communautaire on energy, namely the legislative frameworks for the electricity and gas sectors and in the areas of renewable energy, competition and environment. Ukraine became a member of the Energy Community Treaty in September 2010 and started adopting and implementing a number of provisions of the treaty acquis.

On 4 September 2018, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading draft law No. 8015 "On the Amendment of Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Investment Attractiveness of the Construction of Renewable Energy Objects" (the "Draft Law"). The Draft Law aims at reduction and eliminating administrative barriers during the construction of wind power plants and enhancing investment attractiveness of the wind power sector of Ukraine.

The Draft Law contemplates that a wind power plant can be assigned the insignificant consequence class (CC1), provided there is a positive conclusion of the relevant authority in charge of environmental impact assessment. In this event, it will be possible to commence construction woks following developer's notice on the commencement of construction works served on the relevant architectural and construction control authority. Commissioning of a wind power plant will be carried out upon registration of the declaration of readiness for commissioning submitted by a developer with the relevant authorities.

Consequently, it will not be required for a wind power plant classified as CC1 to obtain a permit for the performance of construction works, undertake mandatory examination (expertise) of design documentation or execute a certificate confirming the plant commissioning, as this is currently the case with a higher consequence class, CC2, which is usually assigned to wind power plants.

The Draft Law should be signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and submitted to President of Ukraine for signature. It should take effect on the day following its official publication. The enactment of the law is expected to considerably facilitate and expedite implementation of wind power projects, and promote investment in the industry.

Text of the Law is available in Ukrainian at: http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4_1?pf3511=63446


Renewable Market Watch™ published the new report Ukraine Wind Power Market Outlook 2018÷2027. This report reveals current state and future trends about wind energy market in Ukraine, as a potential area for investment. It is intended to provide the reader with an overview on the economics and regulation of the industry.

The more information about wind power market in Ukraine, including full contact details of wind farm project owners and developers you may read here: Ukraine Wind Power Market Outlook 2018÷2027 

For better understanding about benefits from using our reports you may read here: Benefit List - Reports of Renewable Market Watch 

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Renewable Market Watch™ is delivering strategic insight about emerging renewable energy markets through its experienced research team and cutting edge predictive analytics data platform. We partner with our customers to provide research, data and consulting reports in areas appropriate to their specific requirements. Our primary focus is emerging renewable energy markets of the Asia Countries, Balkan countries, Central and Eastern Europe, CIS states (former Soviet union), LATAM countries and MENA countries. For more information about Renewable Market Watch™ please visit:




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