CEE countries,

  • In this section you will find information about our analyses of renewable energy markets.




    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the wind energy sector of Central East Europe (CEE) and South East Europe (SEE) countries (including Turkey and Ukraine) for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. Newly installed wind capacity in this region will exceed XXX GW in the next 5 years. The number of fully permitted and ready to build projects is promptly increasing. The small wind market segment for turbines below 500 KW in many countries is not developed and forecasted to score significant growth in the near future. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, risks, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 270 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Central East Europe (CEE) and South East Europe (SEE) countries wind power market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors, manufacturers and service providers in their decision making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the wind industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited.

    For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This is the first-ever made the thorough and detailed market report, which offers an incisive and reliable overview of the solar photovoltaic sector of Central East Europe (CEE) and South East Europe (SEE) countries for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. The number of fully permitted and ready to build projects is promptly increasing. Newly installed PV capacity in this region will exceed XXX GW in the next 5 years. The rooftop market segment in many countries is not developed and forecasted to score significant growth in the near future. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, risks, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 435 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Central East Europe (CEE) and South East Europe (SEE) countries solar PV market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors, manufacturers and service providers in their decision making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with the customized book content. 

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable long-term overview of the photovoltaic sector of the country for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. Turkey has the sixth-largest electricity market in Europe and one of the fastest-growing in the world. In view of recent cuts in FIT’s announced in Germany, Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Italy, Turkey represents an interesting investment environment in South-East Europe with excellent solar irradiation. Cumulative installed solar PV capacity in MW in the country increased at least 15-fold from 2014 to 2016 despite political uncertainty. Furthermore, Cumulative installed solar PV capacity in MW in the country increased 20-fold from 2015 to 2018 despite political uncertainty. We have to point out 2018 was another consecutive record year for the Turkish solar market with approximately 1.6 GW new solar photovoltaic capacity installed. The Turkish market has excellent chances to exceed XXX GW cumulative installed capacity in the next 5 years. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Turkish photovoltaic market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. A fast-changing market environment with falling module prices requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable long-term overview of the wind sector of the country for the next long period 2020 ÷ 2030. In view of recent cuts in FIT’s announced in Germany, Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Italy, Turkey represents a stable investment environment in South-East Europe with clear rules and green certificates support scheme. The current cumulative installed wind capacity in the country is growing fast and Turkey is one of the best performers amongst SEE countries between 2010 and 2017. 

    Wind power in the country grew by 7.5% YoY, from 6,516MW (6.52 GW) in 2017 to 7,005MW (7 GW) in 2018. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Turkish wind market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content. 

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable long-term overview of the photovoltaic sector of the country for the period 2020 ÷ 2030. In view of recent cuts in FIT’s announced in Germany, Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece and Italy, the Republic of Kazakhstan represents a stable investment environment in the CIS region with clear rules, feed-in tariff support scheme and auction (tender) procedure. First MW scale photovoltaic power plants have been launched into commercial operation, whilst pipeline of over 700 MW solar projects pipeline are progressing in different stages of permitting process. Feed-in tariff for solar energy has been approved in Kazakhstan in June 2014 combined with 15 years PPA period auction (tender) procedure are expected to pave the way for the fast further growth of the solar PV market in Kazakhstan. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 130 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Kazakhstan photovoltaic market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable long-term overview of the wind power sector of the country for the period 2020 ÷ 2030. In view of recent cuts in FIT’s and green certificates announced in Germany, Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania Greece and Italy, the Republic of Kazakhstan represents a stable investment environment in the CIS region with clear rules and feed-in tariff support scheme and auction (tender) procedure. First MW size wind power plants have been launched into commercial operation, whilst pipeline of over 1,300 MW (1.3 GW) wind projects pipeline are progressing in different stages of permitting process. Feed-in tariff for wind energy has been approved in Kazakhstan in June 2014 combined with 15 years PPA period and auction (tender) procedure are expected to pave the way for the fast further growth of the wind power market in Kazakhstan. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 130 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Kazakhstan wind power market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the wind industry, the time for taking decisions during 2021 is limited. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content. 

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the photovoltaic sector of the country for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the southeast, Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, and Moldova to the east. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate. With a total area of 238,397 square kilometres (92,046 sq mi), Romania is the 12th largest country and also the 7th most populous member state of the European Union, having almost 20 million inhabitants. The current cumulative installed PV capacity grew up from 29 MW in 2012 to over 1350 MW in 2018. The number of green certificates was reduced in 2014, but the Romanian market has good chances to add more cumulative installed PV capacity in the next 2 years, especially under net metering and self-consumption commercial and residential installations.

    The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Romanian photovoltaic market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the wind sector of the country for the next long term period 2020 ÷ 2030. Romania is a country located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the southeast, Bulgaria to the south, Ukraine to the north, Hungary to the west, Serbia to the southwest, and Moldova to the east. It has a predominantly temperate-continental climate. With a total area of 238,397 square kilometres (92,046 sq mi), Romania is the 12th largest country and also the 7th most populous member state of the European Union, having almost 20 million inhabitants. According to cumulative installed wind capacity, Romania is among the best performers amongst SEE countries in the past 5 years.

    Despite the reduction of the number of green certificates from the beginning of 2014 Romanian market reached more than 3,000 MW cumulative installed wind capacity at the end of 2019. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Romanian wind market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the wind industry, the time for taking decisions during 2021 is limited. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the photovoltaic sector of the country for the next 10 years period 2020 ÷ 2030. Poland is a very interesting market due to its political and economic stability, high prices for electricity and heavy dependence on coal and lignite in power generation, which should be changed to comply with EU renewable policy. In view of recent cuts in FIT’s announced in Germany, Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria Romania and Italy, Poland represents a stable investment environment in Central-East Europe. The current cumulative installed PV capacity in the country by the end of 2020 stays exceeds 3,700 MW (3.7 GW) and scored impressive growth in the past 3 years, but this represents the potential for further growth if the Polish government finds suitable balance for its several times changed in recent years renewable energy policy. By geographical distribution, the largest share of solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity in Poland is belonging to the Lublin province with more than 10 % of all installations in the country. Is it possible Polish solar PV market to start growing sizeable in the near future? How the referential feed-in tariffs, feed-in premiums and auction scheme from 1st July 2016 will influence the photovoltaic market in Poland this and next years?

    What is the economics of solar photovoltaic (PV) projects in Poland? Answers you will find enclosed in the report detailed Financial Model and Analysis of 5 MW Photovoltaic (Solar PV) Power Plant investment in Poland (IRR, WACC, Payback, NPV, Cash Flow, etc.) The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Polish photovoltaic (solar PV) market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the photovoltaic sector of the country. In 2012 Bulgaria joined the recent cuts wave in FIT’s announced in Germany, Spain, France, UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy. In the last few years, Bulgaria has been the focus of the investors’ interest. The political stability and predictability due to the NATO membership and to the EU accession, the stable economic perspective and the growing credit rating of the country and its institutions were only some of the elements attracting the investors’ interest. External investors have been attracted by rapidly developing national industry, highly skilled workforce and significant new market.

    Development of operational solar PV power plants in Bulgaria started with very moderate steps in 2007 but progressed with fast paces after the second half of 2010. At the end of 2018 cumulative installed solar PV capacity in Bulgaria reached 1,036 MW. Several large scale solar photovoltaic (PV) projects with a capacity above 50 MW have been announced in Bulgaria after 2018 and these projects will be built between 2021 and 2024.

    The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Bulgarian photovoltaic market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. A fast-changing market environment with falling module prices requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the wind sector of the country. In the last few years, Bulgaria has been the focus of the investors’ interest. The political stability and predictability due to the NATO membership and to the EU accession, the stable economic perspective and the growing credit rating of the country and its institutions were only some of the elements attracting the investors’ interest. External investors have been attracted by rapidly developing national industry, highly skilled workforce and significant new market.

    Development of wind power plants in Bulgaria started with very moderate steps in 2005 but progressed with fast paces after the second half of 2008. At the end of 2018 cumulative installed wind power capacity in Bulgaria reached 699 MW, which represents 16.3 % of the total installed renewable energy capacity in the country.

    You will find more than 129 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Bulgarian wind market. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content. 

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the photovoltaic sector of the country. Cumulative installed PV capacity in the country was only 3MW in 2010, but grew up to140 MW in 2011 and exceeded 2,000MW (3GW) at the end of 2018, making Ukraine one of the fastest-growing photovoltaic markets in the region. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 120 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Ukrainian photovoltaic market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the photovoltaic (solar PV) industry, the time for making the right decisions during 2021 and the next few years is limited. Significant progress achieved in photovoltaic sector development has made Ukraine an undoubted industry leader among the CIS countries by the end of February 2014. After that political turmoil in Ukraine changed the picture in the CIS region and a more complex overview of the solar PV sector in the country is necessary. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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    This market report offers an incisive and reliable overview of the wind sector of the country. By the end of 2009 cumulative installed wind capacity in the country was insignificant, but grew up to 551 MW in 2015. The report provides a complete picture of the market situation, dynamics, current issues and future prospects. You will find more than 125 pages of valuable information in this unique in-depth analysis of the Ukrainian wind market. With comprehensive market data, this report brings clear and concise insights, to help investors in their decision-making process. As 2019 and 2020 were challenging years for the wind industry, the time for taking decisions during 2021 is limited. Significant progress achieved in wind power sector development has made Ukraine an undoubted industry leader among the CIS countries by the end of February 2014. After that political turmoil in Ukraine changed the picture in the CIS region and a more complex overview of the wind power sector in the country is necessary. A fast-changing market environment requires relevant and accurate information. For your convenience, we offer the opportunity for orders with customized report content.

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