Прогрес на фотоволтаичните инсталации с нетно отчитане на баланса между произведена и отдадена в мрежата електроенергия в Украйна
/17th November 2018, by Renewable Market Watch™/
The State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) has reported that over 3,000 households have installed residential solar photovoltaic (PV) installations for the first three quarters of 2018, which is 2.5 times more than in the same period in 2017 (1,214 households).
Ukraine is the most developed solar PV market among CIS states regarding net metering and self-consumption, according to the Europe Net Metering and Self-Consumption Solar PV Market Outlook 2018 ÷ 2027 to due to its geographic location combined with proper government support. Ukraine introduced net metering support scheme for residential solar photovoltaic (PV) systems up to 30 KW was introduced under the law №514-VIII, which came into effect in April 2015. Cumulative installed solar PV capacity in Ukraine under net metering and self-consumption at the end of Q3 2018 reached 121 MW, according to the Renewable Market Watch™
Over 6,000 households in total have installed solar PV installations in Ukraine with a total cumulative capacity of 121 MW, which is about 10% of all solar PV power capacity in the country. The cumulative market value of net metering and self-consumption solar PV market in Ukraine is EUR 123.8 million at the end of Q3 2018. State support to switch to clean energy is not only the desire of households to become more energy independent, but also the opportunity to earn on sale electricity surplus to the network at a green tariff of 18.09 euro cents/kWh.
Ukraine became an observer to the Energy Community Treaty in November 2006. Since then, it applied for full membership and committed to implementing the acquis communautaire on energy, namely the legislative frameworks for the electricity and gas sectors and in the areas of renewable energy, competition and environment. Ukraine became a member of the Energy Community Treaty in September 2010 and started adopting and implementing a number of provisions of the treaty acquis.
Ukraine’s economy remains one of the most energy intensive in the CIS region, despite progress in energy efficiency in the industry sector and the closure of some of the most energy-intensive industries in the 1990s. Ukraine’s electricity sector is comprised of separate generation, wholesale market, transmission
system operation and distribution entities. The distribution and retail elements are bundled.
The wholesale electricity market (WEM), created in 1996, is operated by the stateowned company Energorynok as a sole wholesale trader under a single buyer model since 2000. It also acts as a settlement centre for all payments. Wholesale prices and tariffs are calculated as weight average wholesale price and set by the National Energy and Communal Services Commission (NECSC).
Renewable Market Watch™ published the new report Ukraine Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2018÷2027. This report reveals current state and future trends about solar energy market in Ukraine, as a potential area for investment. It is intended to provide the reader with an overview on the economics and regulation of the industry.
The more information about solar PV power market in Ukraine, including full contact details of solar power project owners and developers you may read here: Ukraine Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Market Outlook 2018÷2027
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Renewable Market Watch™ is delivering strategic insight about emerging renewable energy markets through its experienced research team and cutting edge predictive analytics data platform. We partner with our customers to provide research, data and consulting reports in areas appropriate to their specific requirements. Our primary focus is emerging renewable energy markets of the Asia Countries, Balkan countries, Central and Eastern Europe, CIS states (former Soviet union), LATAM countries and MENA countries. For more information about Renewable Market Watch™ please visit: