Solar Frontier ще достави фотоволтаични модули на Konar Energy за портфейл от 23 MW фотоволтаични проекти в Турция


/3rd May 2015, News by Solar FrontierTM/

Munich, April 29, 2015 – Solar Frontier Europe, a subsidiary of the world’s largest CIS solutions provider, Solar Frontier, has signed a 23 MW module supply agreement with Konar Energy, a leading generator of solar energy in Turkey. The agreement was signed at Solarex 2015 in Istanbul. Solar Frontier will be supplying its proprietary CIS thin-film modules, manufactured in Japan, to Konar Energy for five upcoming solar power plants in Turkey.

Module shipments for two projects, a 5.9 MW installation in Konya and a 4.7 MW installation in Burdur, will commence shortly. The three remaining projects, which are all located in the South of Turkey, are set to follow by late 2016.

 “Konar Energy is committed to bring high-quality, high-performance solar power plants on stream in Turkey. We are confident that we will be able to do so with Solar Frontier by our side,” said Tolga Özdemir, CEO of Konar Energy. “The ability of Solar Frontier’s CIS modules to yield more electricity than crystalline silicon modules, especially in challenging conditions such as the high temperatures of Turkey, combined with the company’s high-quality manufacturing process and its reputation for continuous support, were all deciding factors for us.”

Solar Frontier’s CIS modules generate more electricity (kilowatt-hours per kilowatt-peak) compared to crystalline silicon modules in real-world environments. This is because of a number of technological performance benefits. The most relevant advantage in Turkey’s environment is the low temperature coefficient- a smaller loss in conversion efficiency as temperature increases.

 “Solar energy is naturally suited to Turkey. It is one of the countries that receive the most hours of sunlight and is backed by a growing economy. Solar Frontier looks forward to closely supporting Konar Energy’s experienced team of project developers as it meets Turkey’s demand for clean and renewable energy,” said Wolfgang Lange, Managing Director of Solar Frontier Europe.

With this agreement, Solar Frontier embarks on its newest destination in expanding its global presence as part of its mid-term growth strategy, which began in 2015.

More information about the promising Turkish solar PV market you may read here: Turkey Photovoltaic Market: Outlook 2015 ÷ 2025

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